Knoxville City Council covers old business, and very old business


In a crowded room in the Knoxville Police Station which holds Knoxville City Council meetings, several updates were given to and by the aldermen. 

To earn a merit badge in civil services/city government the council was being observed by Knoxville Boy Scouts Troop 220.

Several public comments were held – including Sharon Larson – who described the need for additional space for handicapped parking at the First United Presbyterian Church in Knoxville.

The council was also approached, once again, by Knoxville BP owner Pradeep Kataria. In May, Kataria asked the council to revise a city ordinance for retail sales of alcohol on the premises.

Since BP does not qualify as a truck stop, and the issue of underage drinking and impaired driving is concern, the council saw no need to change the ordinance.

Tim Rossell was officially hired as the new Supervisor of Public Works, and Ron Curry as the Street Department Assistant and City Mechanic.

Dilapidated houses were covered at length. The council got an update on a property at 207 E. North Street – which is poised for demolition by the end of this week.

Two more properties on east Main Street were also discussed – the City along with Knoxville police plan to investigate the property owner’s intentions.

In an unusual circumstance, an ordinance came to the council’s attention that had not been addressed since 1979.

Apparently, in a city council meeting 38 years ago, a written ordinance was to vacate properties on Madison Street just off Douglas in Knoxville.

The ordinance was not properly enforced, therefore the Randall Family of Knoxville had been maintaining the properties and street since the late 70s.

The issue was resolved, and the property was finally properly split.

An old brick water pump building has had the masonry work updated making the building stable again.

City aldermen see the value of attractive city parks for young people – the council is exploring prices for a new half-pipe at the James Knox Park for skaters.

Future agenda items for the next meeting include: the annual city audit and an update on city liability insurance, which expires on December 1st.

Another sidewalk survey meeting will be held November 14th at 5:30pm at the old courthouse in Knoxville. The survey can be found online on the city’s website and social media.

The council will also approve the annual Knoxville Christmas Parade which is slated for December 2nd at 1:00pm.

