After some questions on who would administer the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, the Western Illinois Regional Council – Community Action Agency says they will at least on a temporary basis.
WIRC Executive Director Sean Pritchard says state has asked them to perform that function effective Dec. 11.
The LIHEAP program is designed to give assistance to low-income residents with heating.
To start there will be a one month priority period for applications from eligible applicants over the age of 60, households with children under the age of 6, individuals receiving disability and for households disconnected from their utilities.
That priority period will run Dec. 19 to Jan. 15.
Pritchard says usually the priority groups are staggered out but since the application season has been condensed they’ve lumped those categories together.
He also tells WGIL that LIHEAP isn’t foreign to WIRC staff.
“It’s a program we’ve administered in our counties for over 30 years so we have very qualified, highly trained staff to carry it out,” Pritchard says. “And we’re also very familiar with Knox County with some of the programs we do there. We’re doing weatherization programs in Knox County and also some victim services programs.”
Eligible residents can call 309-837-2997 for appointments which will start taking place on Dec. 19.