Man says he’s “sickened” officers who shot him not fired

CHICAGO (AP) — The victim of a Chicago police shooting is demanding charges be filed against two officers who shot him as he allegedly fled a 2015 traffic stop.

Antwon Gollate said Monday it was “heartbreaking and sad” the two officers weren’t fired from the Chicago Police Department.

The Chicago Police Board in January voted to suspend Officer Jaime Gaeta and Detective Harry Matheos for a year without pay for shooting Gollate. The board said the officers didn’t have authority to make the traffic stop, which came after they saw Golatte involved in an alleged drug deal.

Golatte was charged with five felonies related to the stop and acquitted.

Golatte’s lawyers said they want criminal charges filed against the officers. The Cook County state’s attorney’s office did not respond to requests for comment.

Last year, the 36-year-old Golatte sued the officers and the department, alleging a violation of civil rights.

