The District 205 Board of Education will be making a decision Monday night on the highly contentious topic of school boundaries.
With the district reshaping itself because of the pending closure of Gale, Nielson, and Churchill; the district is reforming the elementary school boundaries.
One of the biggest goals of administrators and school board members –that have been voiced during the meetings — is spreading out the percentage of students that take advantage of free and reduced lunches.
One concern is the district’s Community Eligibility Provision, which allows the district to serve meals at no cost to all enrolled students without collecting household applications.
Galesburg schools offer free breakfast and lunch to all students because of the disbursement of free and reduced lunch recipients.
Illinois State Board of Education requirements says that a school must exceed 60 percent free and reduced lunch in order for all students to receive free meals.
Many parents have come before the school board and voiced their opposition since the proposed maps went public earlier in the school year.
The school board could also make a decision on the district’s tax levy.
Administrators with District 205 are expecting a three percent increase in the Equalized Assessed Value, an increase of $13,170,696.
The proposed levy amount for 2019 is $21,872,809. That levy would lead to a tax rate of $4.83 per $100 of assessed value. Last year’s tax levy was $21,233,265 and was also a tax rate of $4.83.
EAV is still projected at this point and the board will have a more accurate look at what property valuation changes took place closer to when property tax bills go out next year.
The board meets in an open session at 7:00 pm at the District Office on Harrison Street.