New details emerge in Pine Street fire


New details have emerged regarding the fire on Pine Street from Saturday morning.

According to a Galesburg police report, the residence that firefighters responded to was occupied by several people when the fire was discovered.

The report indicates that when officers arrived on the scene to evacuate the residence, several residents were uncooperative and refused to exit, attempting to pour buckets of water on the fire and grab personnel belongings.

Once the residents were safely evacuated, they spoke with the police. The owner told officers she noticed a fan had shut off early in the morning and went to investigate after smelling smoke.

A 29-year-old in the residence also noticed a fan shut off and attempted to find out why. Eventually, the fire was discovered in the bedroom of the 29-year-old.

Firefighters told officers the fire originated from the interior wall of the bedroom and the 29-year-old suspected it was faulty wiring at fault.

Cause of the fire was not determined and is still being investigated.

