Nicholas Weist
A public memorial service is being planned for this Saturday at Galesburg High School for fallen Knox County Sheriff’s Deputy Nicholas Weist.
Weist was killed Friday in the line of duty as he was laying spike strips in order to stop a fleeing vehicle and was struck by that same vehicle.
The memorial for Weist at GHS will start at 2 p.m. with a first responder walkthrough taking place at the beginning of the service. The line-up for the walk-through will start at 1 p.m.
Arrangements for Weist are being handled by Dennison Funeral Home in Viola.
Weist resided in Viola with his wife and two children, ages 12 and 9.
In lieu of flowers, memorials can be made to Quad City Bank & Trust in memory of Nicholas Weist.
A memorial to Deputy Weist has been set up outside of the Knox County Law Enforcement Center, which includes Weist’s car adorned with flowers from mourners.
Meanwhile, condolences and statements of concern for Weist, his family, and the Knox County Sheriff’s Department continue to rain down.
Illinois Attorney General Raoul said of Weist’s death on Monday, “It is in moments like these we are reminded of the selfless acts of sacrifice performed every day by members of law enforcement.”