A project to modernize traffic signal equipment is coming to Galesburg.
The public will not notice any significant changes as a result of the new traffic signals, however the project will provide added efficiency and reliability for the city. The project includes a total of 12 signalized intersections along Henderson Street, and at Main and Farnham streets.
City Engineer Aaron Gavin tells WGIL the signal heads themselves will not be modified and there will be no additional signals. The improvements will largely be equipment hardware upgrades or additions inside the traffic signal cabinets that control the signals or on the mast arms.
One of the most significant improvements will be the addition of battery backups for signals.
According to Interim City Manager Wayne Carl, “The battery backups are a pretty big deal. Right now, there are no battery backups and if a traffic signal loses power, the City Street Division has to run Stop signs out to the intersection to control traffic. The battery backups will kick in automatically should the traffic signal lose Ameren supplied power so the signals will stay in service and stops signs won’t be needed.”
There will also be an addition of closed-circuit television cameras at intersections that don’t currently have them, allowing city personnel access to the video feed from these cameras. The cameras are often used for traffic accident investigations and to monitor activity at certain intersections.
The Galesburg City Council recently approved a joint agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation for the project. The city’s total share is estimated to be $6,704.