How harsh will winter be? National Weather Service issues outlook

You can look for seasonal temperatures and above normal precipitation this winter.

That’s according to the National Weather Service, which has released its winter outlook for 2022-23.

The seasonal outlook provides the likelihood that temperatures and total precipitation amounts will be above, near or below-average. The outlook does not project seasonal snowfall accumulations as snow forecasts are generally not predictable more than a week in advance.

La Nina conditions are expected for the third winter in a row, and a typical La Nina pattern is seen in the seasonal temperature outlook, with below normal temperatures favored across the Pacific Northwest and northern Plains, and above normal temperatures favored across the southern and eastern US. 

Here in central Illinois, there is no clear signal in temperature trends for this winter, with equal chances of above or below normal temperatures. 

Above normal precipitation is favored across central Illinois this winter, with the likelihood of above normal precipitation increasing as you head northeast into the Great Lakes region.

