Galesburg Police on Saturday, November 26th around 8:40pm responded to a residential burglary in the 200 block of Lombard Street. Officers met with a 73-year-old man and a 61-year-old woman who said they returned home to find their front door had been kicked in. The couple discovered over $1,200 in cash was missing as well as the woman’s wallet – taken from her purse in the kitchen. The two couldn’t name a potential suspect for police. The incident remains under investigation.
Later on Saturday night, GPD responded to Circle K on North Henderson Street for an attempted vehicle burglary. A store employee said another employee discovered her vehicle was damaged in the parking lot. She discovered several dents on the driver-side door and a brick mark on the window. It appeared to police that someone attempted to break into her vehicle – the woman had left her purse and wallet sitting in a clearly visible spot on the front seat. Police, at the time of the report, were still awaiting security footage of the incident, and it remains under investigation.