Monmouth Council approves work near Midwestern Pet Foods plant

A longtime operation in Monmouth could be in line for a future expansion.

The Monmouth City County recently approved a Tax Increment Financing District application for the Midwestern Pet Foods plant.

The application states that three houses near the plant on South D Street need to be demolished for the expansion — including some tree removal and asbestos abatement — to the tune of about $45,000.

The lots will also end up being re-zoned from residential to commercial.

Company officials say it will help semi traffic coming in to the plant, but there could be future expansion down the road, reportedly in order to increase capacity.

City Administrator Lew Steinbrecher says the next step will be a redevelopment agreement between the city and Midwestern Pet Foods, and he expects that to be before the City Council October 7th.

Midwestern Pet Foods Tif District Application by WGIL Radio on Scribd

