First defendant in murder of former Maquon police chief likely to go to trial in February

Two Maquon women accused of murder in the death the former Maquon Police chief before leaving his body in a storage locker made court appearances Tuesday.

71-year-old Richard Young’s remains were found in October 2022, almost a year after prosecutors believe he died.

The Knox County State’s Attorney alleges that both 52-year-old Marcy Oglesby and 78-year-old Karen Doubet poisoned Young in his food or drink over a period of months knowing their actions created a strong probability of his death.

Both women are charged with murder and concealment of a homicidal death.

78-year-old Karen Doubet was arraigned before Judge Andrew Doyle Tuesday after only being charged in September 2024.

Doubet pleaded not guilty and a pre-trial date was set for Mar. 10.

Oglesby who was initially charged in October of 2022, was set for a status hearing Tuesday.

Judge Doyle set hearing dates for Jan. 14 and Jan 30 but said “barring something major happening” Oglesby should go to trial in February.

