The Knox County Fair Queen Pageant was held Saturday night at the Orpheum Theater. The new court consists of Litle Miss, Ellie Dare, Junior Miss, Dakota Detmers and Fair Queen, Clara Kuelper. The winners joined Tom Meredith and Tyler Gumm on "Galesburg's Morning News" to talk about the experience.

[caption id="attachment_637366" align="aligncenter" width="555"]fair queens 2023 Clara Kuelper, left, was named 2023 Miss Knox County Fair Queen; Elle Dare, center, was named Little Miss Knox County Fair Queen; and Dakota Detmers, right, was named Junior Miss Knox County Fair Queen at the 2023 Knox County Fair Queen Pageant on Saturday at the Orpheum Theatre. (Submitted by Nicole Lambasio)[/caption]


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New Knox County Fair Queen Court On WGIL

KC Fair Queens