While Galesburg residents have played pickleball in town for more than a decade now, it's really grown in popularity the last several years in Galesburg -- especially since the tennis courts at Bateman Park became pickleball courts.

Thanks in part to feedback from a Galesburg Facebook group full of local pickleball players, the Galesburg City Council this week voted to table the installation of new shock-resistant pickleball courts at Bateman Park until they can be tried out and more feedback can be given.

Local pickleball players Lori Mason and Sue Hulett talk about pickleball and how they want to help the city with Will Stevenson on Galesburg's Morning News.

[caption id="attachment_656313" align="aligncenter" width="1000"]Lori Mason and Sue Hulett Local pickleball players Lori Mason (left) and Sue Hulett. (WILL STEVENSON/WGIL)[/caption]

lang="en-US"> Pickleball picks up in popularity in Galesburg | WGIL 93.7 FM - 1400 AM
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Pickleball picks up in popularity in Galesburg