Chess Club

Henderson Town Hall 215 S Main Street, HENDERSON

A chess club for players of all levels will meet at 6:30 pm on Wednesday nights at the Henderson Town Hall. There is no cost to come play, learn and make friends.


Chess Club

Henderson Town Hall 215 S Main Street, HENDERSON

A chess club for players of all levels will meet at 6:30 pm on Wednesday nights at the Henderson Town Hall. There is no cost to come play, learn and make friends.

Chess Club

Henderson Town Hall 215 S Main Street, HENDERSON

A chess club for players of all levels will meet at 6:30 pm on Wednesday nights at the Henderson Town Hall. There is no cost to come play, learn and make friends.

Chess Club

Henderson Town Hall 215 S Main Street, HENDERSON

A chess club for players of all levels will meet at 6:30 pm on Wednesday nights at the Henderson Town Hall. There is no cost to come play, learn and make friends.

Chess Club

Henderson Town Hall 215 S Main Street, HENDERSON

A chess club for players of all levels will meet at 6:30 pm on Wednesday nights at the Henderson Town Hall. There is no cost to come play, learn and make friends.
